日本財団 図書館


The measured maximum wave heights and wave periods were compared with results calculated by two different methods.
In the first case, the effects of ship waves by varying the distance from the sailing line at the constant ship speed(10.3k。?) were investigated The measured and estimated results of maximum wave heights and wave periods of ship waves are shown in Fig 3 In the figures, two solid lines by cal- l are calculated by two coefficients of EHP. The measured maximum wave height are higher than two calculated ones in the range of the long distance. Comparing with both calculated results, the maximum wave heights of cal-1 method are higher than ones of cal-2. The both calculated results are in close agreement with the measured ones generally.
The measured wave periods fluctuate and are less than two calculated ones because of the distortion of waves by breaking of experimental ship waves. In the second case, the effects of waves by varying the ship speed in the constant distance from the sailing line (20m, 70m and 100m) were investigated. The measured and calculated maximum wave heights and wave periods of ship waves in the distance of 100m are shown in Fig.4. In these


Fig 3

Measured and calculated ship waves height and period of the displacement vessel versus distance from the sailing line ship at the constant ship speed



Measured and calculated ship wave height and wave period of displacement vessel versus ship speed in the constant distance from the sailing line




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